Jun 6, 2021
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…. Better yet, we’ll just tell you that we don’t know about UFOs, but if you click here we’ll explain to you what we don’t know even though we don’t know enough to know how to tell you what we do or do not know… Hint: It’s in the name.
They click-baited us...
May 23, 2021
When UFOs show up and barely make it on the radar (no pun intended) that’s definitely… something to think about. Over some good gin and a new sock jingle, of course!
We talk drones and UFOs, review Viva la Dirt League’s "Baelin’s Route", and muse over BroodX cicadas and wildlife conservation. Not a bad way to...
Apr 25, 2021
We've got two reviews today - and we’re not angry with one, per se… just disappointed. Which (if we take any cue from our parents) is worse than being mad. Much, much worse.
A man from Italy finally gets busted after skipping work for 15 years, Panda tests her taste buds by doing the ol’ orange juice & toothpaste...
Apr 11, 2021
The most important question we have to ask ourselves - Is Panda’s no taste and smell strong enough to withstand a chicken cooked by a robotic slapping machine?
Our podcast isn’t just about the science of slapping chickens this week; we also talk about DMX and Prince Philip, agonize over Eivor’s bird-eyes in AC...
Mar 28, 2021
We review Bigfoot Family: the most controversial, dangerous movie ever to grace our Albertan television screens. Never before have we witnessed anything so…. Wait, is that a jive-talking raccoon??
Even more perplexing than magical Bigfoot offspring, is marshmallow-flavoured Pepsi. What is this world coming to?! Thank...